
Saturday, August 30, 2014

Missing My Blogsite

I have not been able to update my blog since July. I know this has been a cliche but I got swamped with work and activities. Though those activities will give me more topics to write on my blog.

To kick off there will be some changes in the way I put items on my blog. I will try to make it more organized as it should be. I'm planning to create a home page which shows summary of the articles which can be detailed in the tabs provided in this blogsite. I will add more tabs soon and will have underlying blogsite which is linked to this main site. More likely there will be changes on where to find the stories and articles but the layout will remain the same. Currently I have most of the recipes I tried making my own and food stuff under Food Section tab, I am thinking of having Entertainment Section, Cool Stuff, of course the main one will be Travel and Trips, and some Literature/s.

If you have any suggestion just let me know. Shoot me an email at or live a message at my facebook page: or by simply leaving a note here.

Also, I'm into cosplaying now and I want to share some preps I have been doing. Just got a shot with my wig and I would like to take this opportunity to thank Rhose Anne and Denden for helping me out.

I would like to also share one of my friends site who pushed me in writing. It's by Doridel Cahanap.

Thanks and watch out for more articles soon...

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